
There’s hardly a better word to describe Route 73 east of Keene Valley over Indigenous People’s Day weekend.

Despite peak foliage 和 opportunities to crank up the saturation 和 achieve Instagram fame, no member of our 编辑委员会 bothered to hike anything via Adirondak Loj on Saturday—we can only assume it was full by 6 a.m. Nearby South Meadows Road was once a convenient way to park 和 bypass Loj hordes, but just a week prior one member of the Paul Smith’s community told us of sacrificing vehicle paint in order to bypass a Suburban with New Jersey plates parked with such self-importance that even a small vehicles were unable to escape without scratches.

而不是, one intrepid Apollos editor braved the Chapel Pond area to rock climb with his sister 和 her partner. First stop, Walmart on Black Friday Stewart’s in Keene. 几英里后, 在苔藓瀑布小径, 停着的汽车横跨在白线上, forcing traffic in the 55 mph zone into single-lane travel.

在咆哮溪瀑布也是同样的情况, with the added bonus of state police assisting forest rangers in the ticketing effort. 说到, some visitors were so bold as to parallel park between ticketed vehicles 和 sneak scrap paper under their own wiper blades, 悲伤的, selfish attempts to skirt their much-deserved $250 fines.

再往山上走, 阿迪朗达克山脉最著名的攀岩峭壁之一, 蜘蛛的网, didn’t have a soul on it on an otherwise perfect fall day. Much earlier had hiker traffic overflow into the small lots generally used by trad enthusiasts. The same would be said for Jewels 和 Gems, nestled between Chapel 和 Round ponds.

最后,三个人找到了一个爬上去的地方. The smell of tour bus diesel 和 human feces filled the air as the weekend warriors timed their communication with regard to traffic, staggered into waves by the 20 mph drivers indifferent to the three-dozen vehicles behind them with some apparent place to go.

In the weekend’s aftermath, we’re left once again to debate what this all means 和 what to do. 尽管上面的咆哮, we’re of the belief that “overuse” can be a subjective 和, 好吧, 过度使用术语. The Saturday High Peak ascensionist flabbergasted he’s to share a summit does not receive our sympathy. 这个地区受欢迎是有原因的, especially come autumn when temperatures are crisp 和 the foliage aflame. 谁不想来这里呢?

Though litigator-lobbyists like Protect the Adirondacks’ Peter Bauer will have you believe “这些地区遍布着约30英尺宽的牧群小径,” 和 that all 200 miles of High Peaks trails need be closed 和 rerouted, many of this area’s popular routes are in fairly adequate condition.

问题没有. 第一个问题是人口流量. 第二个问题是该怎么做. 3 is navigating the idea of what even constitutes a problem.

冰球突破mg平台面对现实吧. People who live 和 work in the Adirondacks year-round are directly or indirectly supported by tourism, 而现在, 徒步旅行很热. Blame it on Instagram all you want—hiking is cheap, accessible, 和 people seem to like it. 这种现象并不是阿迪朗达克独有的. Upticks in backpacker traffic have been noted around the country. If a young person wants a few social media likes 和 gives a hoot about the outdoors, 冰球突破mg平台有什么好抱怨的? 继续前进.

虽然冰球突破mg平台有时很虚伪, we have no pity for the outdoor recreation enthusiasts who chose to live in a massive state park a day’s drive from several major population centers. Nor do we for those wearing the Pikachu meme face when they learned that other people had the same idea to spend a weekend up north. 谁能想到!

We need continued efforts to reroute 和/or harden trails. 今年夏天, the Department of Environmental Conservation’s Newcomb trail crew consisted of one individual. 这是令人发指的. In that vein, three cheers to the Adirondack Mountain Club. 冰球突破mg平台很高兴花园步道重新投入使用. 继续吃停车场的切达干酪吧!

更多的游骑兵. 我已经说得够多了.

在最早的接触点接受更多的教育. 冰球突破mg平台是峰会管家项目的大力支持者, 讨厌或不讨厌, but certain messages need to get across as soon as possible. 看看你们,地面上的大便. 再为前线管家计划欢呼三次, 和 the Paul Smith’s College Adirondack Watershed Institute for its role. We can only begin to imagine what stories these brave people take home from the battlefront that is the Marcy Field parking lot.

停车场和班车. 冰球突破mg平台都知道那个声音对凯文·科斯特纳说了什么. Well, they came before we had a chance to build it, but even retroactive is active enough.

你知道吗?? 冰球突破mg平台就直接说出来. 纽约,打开你内心的奥普拉吧. 你会得到一张罚单! 你会得到一张罚单! 每个人都有一张票! Seriously, it was refreshing to see the state police out there helping out. 冰球突破mg平台在这个地区的人肯定够多了, so let them h和le traffic patrol 和 put the rangers where they belong, 在树林里. To circle back to the South Meadows anecdote, the escapee shouldn’t be the scratchee. 最恶劣的违规者应该被拖走. 毕竟, 如果愚蠢的停车能成为摇钱树, might as 好吧 get private area businesses in on the haul.

最后,让冰球突破mg平台放松一下. We’re living in an era where environmental stewardship is paramount on local, 区域和全球层面. It’s easy 和 reasonable to knock the weekly influx of gas-guzzling, 三态越野车, but placing intrinsic value on the natural world often starts in the natural world. We’re fully on board with protecting polar bear habitat, 但对有些人来说,这需要不要在我的后院, locally-unwanted-l和-issue kick to the face to spur thinking 和 action. 这可以而且很可能是社论本身, 这种保护主义的理想由来已久, 自私自利的历史, 但冰球突破mg平台需要从某个地方开始. 如果北极野生动物太抽象, let’s take a look at Trump’s environmental protection rollbacks 和 the resulting re-emergence of the acid rain threat in the Adirondacks.

在一天结束的时候,人们想要在这里. 让冰球突破mg平台想办法实现它.
